#302 The Story of Us


In movies, books, and art, the greatest love stories are often romances. Their infinity is celebrated, aspired to, and put on a pedestal.

The idea of BFFs, on the other hand, is somewhat trivialised by society. How could besties be a heart-stopping love story? But for quite a few people, the focus on traditional love stories overshadows their real other half.

This week we’ve decided to celebrate sisterhood by shining a light on the unbreakable bond of female friendship, and why for so many women their Great Love is their best friend.

‘Have you heard the story of us?’

You can sneer at the idea of Best Friends Forever, but maybe a small part of you misses that playground bestie who stood by you in detention and scrawled friendship pacts on in the school toilets.

Music: ‘Lorelai’ by Fleet Foxes, ’19 20 20′ by The Grates, ‘She’s in my heart’ by B Vasco via EMI music.


‘Kiss the girl’ by Sophie Duxson

All around them, Claire and Rachel’s friends were falling in love and getting married. But when the person you adore the most is your best friend, how do you celebrate that kind of love?

Credits: Tegan Nicholls and Selena Shannon (SPs), Julian Duxson (recording assistance)
Music: ‘Hound Dog’ by Elvis Presley, ‘Coeleum’ by Kai Engel, ‘Wave sound’ by Haldigital, ‘My Best Friend’ by Weezer.


‘Jane, Desi and Mary’ by Selena Shannon

Our worlds, our lives and our bodies change a lot in half a century, but some friendships stay the same.

Music: ‘Groovemaster’ by Jan Juzef Cyrka, and ‘Shape of winter’ by Jon Anthony Boorman, both via EMI production music.
Thanks to Jane, Mary and Desilee for sharing their story.


All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Host: Jess Hamilton

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls

Vic State Coordinator: Bec Fary

SYN production manager: Beth Gibson

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Social Media: Louisa Thurn

Image by William Lehman