#303 Beneath The Surface


A group of change-makers open up about a tragedy in their community, sharing how they stay afloat when darkness bubbles beneath the surface.

A woman encounters a stranger, struggling to swim offshore. The experience connects her to a man on the other side of the world.


‘Dear Von’ By Sasha Abram

Looking at the brave faces of our most charismatic leaders, it’s hard to tell what is going on beneath the surface. Von was a community leader and a great friend. When she took her own life in December of last year, it made her friends all stop in their tracks and reevaluate what is most important to them: to honour the small victories and to share the joys of life with those we love.

This story deals with suicide and may not be suitable for all listeners.

This story is made in loving memory of Von, with thanks to her family and friends who helped.

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can call Lifeline’s 24hr service on 13 11 14, or find support online at lifeline.org.au.

Music by Basil Hogios
Supervising producer: Zacha Rosen


‘Collision’ By Aurora Scott

A few years ago, Rachel was canoeing off Sifnos, an island in Greece, when she saw a swimmer struggling on the surface off-shore. She didn’t learn until much later that her experience with this stranger would tie her to a man on the other side of the world.

Music by Dirty Three and Bridezilla
Supervising producer: Selena Shannon


All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Host: Jess Hamilton

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls

Vic State Coordinator: Bec Fary

SYN production manager: Beth Gibson

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Social Media: Louisa Thurn

Image by Flickr Creative Commons User Erik Smitt