Holocaust survivor in Sydney, Francine Lazarus

#326 Women of the Holocaust say #MeToo


In 2017, women around world came forward to talk about their experiences of sexual violence and harassment. Since then, women everywhere have spoken out… including Holocaust survivors.

Francine Lazarus repressed memories of sexual assault for decades. During the Holocaust, one of her protectors became what she feared the most: a predator. But it wasn’t until, recently, when she heard fellow Holocaust survivor Lily Wolf share her own story of sexual assault that she felt brave enough to speak out.

Story by Lisa Clarke
Supervising producer: Beth Gibson
Consulting producer: Hannah Reich
Original music: Ben Tupas

With special thanks to Dr Rebecca Kummerfeld and Dr Ari Lander from the Sydney Jewish Museum.

All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Victorian State Coordinator: Bec Fary

Host: Samantha Groth

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls

SYN production manager: Jordan Fennell

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Image provided by Lisa Clarke

Music: ‘Untitled’ by Ben Tupas, ‘Echo’ by David Szesztay, ‘Epoc’ by Jon Luc Hefferman