The Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship
All The Best & fbi.radio are delighted to announce the re-launch of the Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship for emerging storymakers. The Fellowship is an opportunity for four upcoming artists with a connection to Australia to accelerate their audio career.
Each fellow will receive $1000AUD to create an ambitious feature length audio story, supported by an individualised learning program and national broadcast outcome.
Applications for 2025 are now closed.
Applications for 2026 will re-open in September.
Any questions can be directed to All The Best Executive Producer Phoebe at phoebe@allthebestradio.com.
“You can’t make perfect radio, but you try to make it as close to that as possible. Most of the time you fall short, but by reflecting on what works and what doesn’t (and getting lots of honest feedback), you slowly chip away at what you aspire to create.”
Jesse Cox
Frequently Asked Questions
Strengthening the Australian audio community and pushing audio storytelling in form.
About JCAF [2020 – 2022]
The Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship was originally established in honour of Walkley award-winning audio maker Jesse Cox (1986-2017). Jesse’s audio career began at community radio station FBi Radio, on Gadigal land, where he co-founded the storytelling program All The Best.
Jesse went on to develop innovative programming for ABC Radio National, was an award winner and finalist in the Third Coast International Audio Festival, and was head of Original Content at Audible’s APAC Office.
To get a sense of his work and spirit, we recommend listening to this dedicated episode that aired on This is About, ABC RN in 2017.
Recipients of the original fellowship include Patrick Abboud (2020), Jay Ooi (2021) and Christine ‘Kix’ Mwaturura (2022).
The JCAF, presented by All The Best and FBi, will continue Jesse’s determination to strengthen the Australian audio community, to push audio storytelling in form, to produce work that can be shared with a public audience and to amplify underrepresented voices.
From 2025, JCAF will support emerging audio producers and artists, back where Jesse Cox began, in community radio.

Ensuring Jesse’s legacy & the future of Australian Audio Storytelling
Audio storytelling has a powerful ability to connect and inspire. With shrinking opportunities to support creative audio practice, programs like JCAF are more urgent than ever.
Donate today to help Australian audio storytelling remain innovative, dynamic and accessible.
Donations can be directed to All The Best via the FBi Donation link below.
Please include the note ‘JCAF / ATB’ to direct your donation to the program and fellowship to become a supporter and help us keep audio storytelling in Australia creative and daring.
The Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship is presented by:

With special thanks to JCAF 2020 – 2022: