#1412 Squeezing the System



Ever think about where your $10 t-shirt came from? On the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, All The Best brings you stories from the supply chain.

Sumi Abedin is twenty years old. She was a garment worker at the Tazreen Fashions factory, and jumped from the building the day it caught fire in 2012. Emilia speaks to journalist and activist Lucy Seigle about what the Bangladesh Fire and Safety Accords mean, and how we can be ethical consumers. We hear from Ceridwen Filer, a former sourcing agent speaking out about her work for major Australian brands, and we talk to Carlie Ballard, an ethical designer who makes clothes that aren’t weird and asymmetrical or made out of hemp. That is, she makes ethical fashion that’s fashionable.

Plus, we’ve got a little extra this week: Avani Dias chats to model and freshly minted activist Ollie Henderson about #StartTheRiot, and the catcall that sparked the beginning of her very own fashion revolution.

Music: ‘Little Do’ by Podington Bear, ‘Fashion’ by David Bowie, ‘Highschool Lover’ by Air

Episode Producer: Emilia Terzon

Presenters: Michaela Morgan and Michael Brydon 

Community Coordinator: Pip Rasmussen

Executive Producer: Giordana Caputo 

Features Executive Producers: Heidi Pett & Jess O’Callaghan