Tag: Emma Nobel

  • #292 Sleeping with a mosquito

    #292 Sleeping with a mosquito

    James Brechney chalks rainbows for equality. It started as a bit of a joke, but the sentiment spread and, before he knew it, chalk rainbows were popping up all over the world and Facebook was flying him to America. Quickly, the rainbow chalkings became a recurring symbol in the queer community, a peaceful message of solidarity. But is…

  • #1623 The Chimeras of Regional Victoria

    #1623 The Chimeras of Regional Victoria

      This week All The Best goes bush, on the hunt for ghosts, dinosaurs and Big Cats. We’re chasing down the chimeras of regional Victoria in two beautiful stories that drive us out of the city and into the shadowy mysteries of the state. ‘Bright Eyes in the Otways’ by Emma Nobel Ever seen a Big Cat…

  • #1509 Where Are The Women?

    #1509 Where Are The Women?



    in ,

    “I cannot believe you’ve put a woman on the radio like this. You know that women get their periods and then don’t make as much sense as men. You’ve made a massive mistake.” Why aren’t there more women on the radio? It’s a debate that’s been raging for as long as radio has existed. Is…