Tag: Grace Dalton

  • #1218 By the Moon

    #1218 By the Moon




    For everyone who has been on radio hosting a series of Allnighter of Mid Dawns is a rite of passage.  This week to begin our show about the moon Georgia and her cousin Harry White reminisce about those nights on the air. Ramadan and the Moon Producers: Nancy Notzon & Katerina Lebedev Sound Design: Andrew McLellan Supervising Producer:…

  • Life Aquatic

    Life Aquatic




    Introduction Soundscape produced by Rosi Tuck I Love the Ocean Produced by Zacha Rosen Underwater explorer, Jacques Cousteau sailed around the world in his boat, ‘Calypso’ pionereering the art of Scuba diving in the forties and became a documentary film maker in the fifties. Wes Anderson became influenced by his works and based his film,…