Tag: Kate Doak
#1524 Same Love
Last week the US Supreme Court overturned a whole bunch of state bans on gay marriage and ruled that same sex couples have a constitutional right to get married. It’s a big step forward for the US and marks a change in momentum for the LGBTIQA community worldwide. So today on All The Best, we’re…
#1309 What’s in a Name?
(With apologies to Shakespeare.) All the Best shares two stories about the power of names. A refugee from Afghanistan arrives in Australia and changes his name — twice. And the so-called Political Friendship Group in Canberra, which works towards equality for LGBTI Australians, is the setting for a rare story of bipartisan cooperation in these politically-troubled…
#1232 Hope + Politics
‘Hope’ and ‘Politics’ aren’t two words you often hear spoken together in Australia. But All the Best shares a story about people inside and outside of Canberra who are hopeful— passionately hopeful— that they can make change happen. The Parliamentary Friendship Group Kate Doak is a political junkie, and wasn’t surprised by anything that happened down in Canberra- until finding out…