Tag: Laura Brierley Newton

  • #1601 It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

    #1601 It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

    An episode full of stories that, told at the pub, would trail off with “well, it seemed like a good idea at the time”. Like investing a significant chunk of your nation’s dwindling cash reserves in a musical re-imagining the life of Leonardo Da Vinci, in which Mona Lisa is the love interest who Leo knocks up.…

  • In Search of White Whales




    Or any whales, really. For our Only A Whale episode, Sydney host Michaela Morgan, Features EP Heidi Pett and ATB producer Laura Brierley Newton headed to the cliffs at Kurnell, apps in hand, to go whale watching. Photos by Laura Brierley Newton  

  • #1921 Only a Whale

    #1921 Only a Whale



    in ,

    Look out off the east coast at the moment and you’ll likely see them – whales. Come whale watching with us, on the edge of cliffs in Sydney, in 1850s Byron Bay, from the decks of the First Fleet and in a Melbourne theatre. But remember, all you’re looking at is big, sea dwelling mammals…