#420 Planning For A Pandemic


None of us planned for this. Now we’re all dealing with the impact of having our plans delayed, cancelled, or radically altered.

What do you do about the big jewish wedding you had planned? How do you prepare for the worst?

This week, stories of how our plans have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘Love and Ruach’ by Eddie Goldsmith

Less than three hours ago there was no wedding planned for today. Less than three hours ago there was no certainty of a wedding at all. So what happened?

Producer: Eddie Goldsmith

Supervising producer: Ryan Pemberton

Music: ‘Giving It All’ by Be Still The Earth,  ‘Sage The Hunter’ by Blue Dot Sessions, ‘Cutting Teeth’ by Ben Noble, ‘Lamprey’ by Blue Dot Sessions.

‘Waiting for it all to start’ by Zacha Rosen

If you knew you wouldn’t see your friend for months, maybe a year, just before isolation started: what would you ask them? Our producer, Zacha Rosen, gets advice.

Check out Anna’s website: http://www.likeafox.consulting/ She hesitates to describe her career, but will happily go with ‘Fundraising and Story Consultant’ while she’s thinking about that.

And we highly recommend checking out Zacha Rosen’s fiction podcast Or It Didn’t Happen.

Music: ‘Allegro’ by Laurent Petitgand (Faraway, So Close! soundtrack), ‘Heaven Help Me’ by Lizzo.

All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Ryan Pemberton

Victorian State Coordinator: Jordan Fennell

Host: Maddy Macquine

Episode mix and compile: Elina Godwin

Community Coordinators: Chloe Gillespie and Danni Stewart

SYN Community Coordinator: Lee Robinson

Social Media Producer: Matilda Fay

Photo: congerdesign via Pixabay