#1324 Tell Me a Story


Tell Me a Story is a live story telling event based in Sydney.  We joined Tell Me a Story at their event in June to bring you stories all about ‘Home’.

Our storytellers Esther Carroll, Dina Petrakis and Candy Royalle all took to the stage to share what ‘Home’ means to them.

Esther Caroll recounts her first trip to Sydney in the 1930’s after leaving the aboriginal mission she called home, Dina Petrakis takes us to the Marrickville RSL Club as a new immigrant in the 1970’s and Candy Royalle shares the memories of her grandfather and father in spoken word poetry.

Thank you to Tell Me a Story and all the storytellers for sharing their stories with All the Best.

Tell me a story holds monthly events.  To find out more go to tellmeastory.net.au

Music Credits: Sometimes I Forget You’ve Gone by the Dirty Three


Production Manager: Carly Anne Kenneally

Features Executive Producer: Merran Winchester

Executive Producer: Giordana Caputo & Belinda Lopez