The Twilight Zone


Not Reading Twilight
Produced by Zacha Rosen

Anahí explains why she never read Twilight, despite her best intentions. When she first tried to read it, she was twelve. She’s sixteen now. It’s probably not going to happen. She’s a young woman of conviction.

Insomnia the Cat
Produced by Katerina Lebedev
Technical Production by Antonia Gauci

For most of us, night time is usually reserved for sleeping. But what about if you just couldn’t sleep during the twilight hours? The bedroom could become a place you start to dread.  In this story, young theatre-maker Fleur Kilpatrick talks to Katerina Lebedev about how she deals with extreme insomnia and the stigma attached to her inability to sleep.

Can a full moon make you crazy?
Produced by Gina McKeon

Have you ever had a friend, your mum, or even just a stranger, give you that look after you witness some strange behaviour and they say: “Must be a full moon, eh?” Sounds like a whole lotta hocus pocus, right? Well, this story, walks the line between exactly what’s fact and what’s fiction with a little help from local registered nurse Sophie Lewis.

A new life through dementia
Produced by Nancy Notzon

There are many stages of life that we pass through: birth; childhood; the dreaded teen years; your 20s and 30s; retirement; even death. Each phase kind of blossoms and then passes through a twilight to give way to the next. This is the story of one woman as she moves through a stage in her life that is marked by the intrusive grip of dementia.It is told by her daughter, Sharon Snir who explains how she lost and found her mother again, through dementia.

Presenter: Eliza Sarlos
Show Producer: Julia Wylie
Features Executive Producer: Jesse Cox
Executive Producers: Jesse Cox, Brigitte Dagg, Eliza Sarlos

Picture credit: Miles Martignoni