#433 Trust


David finds himself with no choice but to trust a group of strangers to keep him alive. Esther tries to buy a dog online, and it all goes wrong.

This week: what leads us to trust people? And what happens when we discover that trust was misplaced?

‘Dogfishing’ by Daniel Semo

The lockdown has been a lonely time for a lot of us. At one point, Esther Semo decided to look for another dog to help keep her company during the lockdown. Finding a new pet during coronavirus, however, did not go according to plan.

Gertie. Photo supplied by Esther Semo.

Follow Gertie on Instagram.

Producer: Daniel Semo

Original sound design and music: Daniel Semo

Supervising producer: Mike Williams

‘Relying on Strangers’ by David Pears

Dave Pears is a mariner who found himself on a remote Kimberley island relying on the care of strangers after placing his hand on something potentially life threatening in the shallows.

David Pears. Photo supplied by Helen Orr.

This story was first told at SPUN, a live storytelling night presented by StoryProjects in the Northern Territory.

You can subscribe to the SPUN Stories podcast, and find out more about the SPUN storytelling project by visiting spunstories.net. You can also look for Spun Stories on Facebook and Twitter.

Storyteller: David Pears

Producer: Lori Uden

All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Ryan Pemberton

Victorian State Coordinator: Mell Chun

Host: Maddy Macquine

Episode mix and compile: Gemma Lipman

Community Coordinators: Chloe Gillespie and Danni Stewart

SYN Community Coordinator: Lee Robinson

Social Media Producers: Matilda Fay and Angela Moran

Photo: Esther Semo