#448 Playing With Your Food

This week we hear about two big food related dreams. 

Pulling Out All The Stops by Hannah Pembroke 

Some kids dream of a playstation, some a mountain bike, some a dog, all Hannah wanted was a Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake. The fact that Hannah’s family lived on a tiny boat sailing around the world made this dream seem impossible. That was until Hannah’s tenth birthday when she finally figured out a way to get her dream Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake. 

Producer: Hannah Pembroke 

Sound Design: Ryan Pemberton

Rebel Without a Wok by Ange Wu 

In Ange Wu’s childhood home, the kitchen was completely off limits. Ange never understood why she did everything she could to try and get inside. Years later, when her brother was bringing home an engineering degree, Ange was busy conjuring the perfect food van, a dream that would take her all over the world and back in time to her grandmother’s kitchen in Taipei. It’s there that Ange discovered the truth about her rebel roots.

Ange originally told this story as part of SPUN Stories, a live storytelling event in Darwin, showcasing some of the extraordinary people and their stories that make up the Northern Territory. 

SPUN also has a podcast, just search for SPUN Stories wherever you get your podcasts.  

Ange captured by Helen Orr


All The Best credits:

Production Manager: Danni Stewart

Editorial Manager: Mell Chun

Episode Mix and Compile: Danni Stewart

Host: Maddy Macquine

Social Media Producers: Matilda Fay and Angela Moran

Image: Gareth Hubbard via Unsplash