#504 Resistance

This week, for NAIDOC Week, stories that acknowledge the continued need for dissenting action by First Nations people.

Charlie King

In our first story, a father and daughter tell the stories of three generations of proud Gurindji resistance and rebellion.

Storytellers: Charlie and Emma King

Producer: Kylie Stevenson

Charlie and Emma first told this story at SPUN Stories, a live storytelling event in Darwin, showcasing extraordinary stories from the Northern Territory. SPUN also has a podcast. To listen, Search Spun Stories wherever you listen to podcasts.

Our Shared Resistance

Next, an essay reflecting upon the similarities in the fights faced by both Palestinian people and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in response to the lasting effects of settler-colonialism.

Read by: Gomeroi writer, Allison Whittaker

Written by: Darumbal/South Sea Islander journalist, Amy McQuire

Amy first wrote this piece for the Sunday Paper, an independent publication centering Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Palestinian people working to resist settler-colonial occupation.

All The Best Credits

Production Manager & Host: Danni Stewart

Editorial Manager: Mell Chun

Episode Mix and Compile: Danni Stewart

Social Media Producer: Timothy Nguyen

Community and Events Coordinator: Lidiya Josifova