#626 It’s my adhd

This week, stories about how ADHD can impact a person’s life, relationships and identity.

Partners In Time by Felicity Weaver 

Are you a Type A, always-on-time kinda person? Or are you the one who is always last to arrive at a social gathering?

In our first story, often-late Felicity speaks to her slightly frustrated husband about how ADHD has impacted their relationship dynamic. Through a cheeky husband-and-wife exchange, Paul recalls Felicity’s lateness and disorganization, while she finds relief (and soon self-compassion) in her ADHD diagnosis. The episode also highlights the complexities of living with ADHD, the challenges of support, and the impact of societal misconceptions.

Studying Abroad with ADHD by Shixin Wang

In our next story, experiences of ADHD from students in the Chinese community.  

Through accounts of three Chinese young adults, we navigate late ADHD diagnoses caused by cultural stigma, treatment barriers, the emotional toll of self-blame – and the hope for a more inclusive future.

拥抱 ADHD,未来可期
(Yǒngbào ADHD, wèilái kě qī)
“Embrace ADHD, your future is full of hope.”