#1217 Im Not There


The theme today on All the Best is taken from ‘Im Not There’ a film about Bob Dylan.  In the film six actors play six incarnations of Bob Dylan and today we have stories about shifting personalities, missing family and friends who seem real one moment and gone the next.  From Jasper who has 1 million imaginary friends, to a story about the discovery of a bag of memories and the attempt to get to know your mum.

My Imaginary Friends
Produced by Kate Montague
Sound engineer: Antonia Gauci

Meeting Mum
Written and read by Madelye Cummings
Original sound music and sound design by Jamieson Shaw
Supervising Producer: Que Minh Luu

Presenter: Georgia Moodie
Features Executive Producer: Jesse Cox

Picture credit: Jasper as home near Wagga