#1223 The Dark Arts of Storytelling


We hear stories everywhere: in news reports, from our families and friends, even in gossip magazines. Some are true, some are false, some fall in between. All the Best blurs the lines between fact and fiction, featuring two writers talking about the challenge of sticking to either category. And we’ll mix it up with some more great yarns from our best and brightest young storytellers.

‘I Guess You’re Only as Sick as You Feel’
Toilet humour (literally) alert! Luke Ryan reads an extract from his unpublished memoir- all about how he beat cancer… twice- at the National Young Writers’ Festival.

The Truth About Memoir
Luke reveals the ‘ugly truth of memoir’, speaking at a panel at the National Young Writers’ Festival. Find out more about Luke’s work here.

With Colin Farrell in the Hollywood Hills
Story told by Irish writer Elizabeth Reapy at the National Young Writers’ Festival.

Is It True?
We had a few burning questions about Elizabeth’s story, so she sat down for a chat with our features executive producer Belinda Lopez. Elizabeth is the editor of the Irish emerging writers’ journal, Wordlegs.

Many thanks to Adam Zwi for recording tbe stories featured in this episode. Recorded at the National Young Writers’ Festival, a part of the This is Not Art Festival.

Photo credit: Gilderic Photography. Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gilderic/5505349349/sizes/o/in/photostream/

Presenter: Georgia Moodie
Features Executive Producer: Belinda Lopez
Executive Producers: Giordana Caputo, Eliza Sarlos, Jesse Cox