#1224 The Mission


All the Best heads to the Warbuton Ranges in the heart of Western Australia, to hear a little-known part of Aussie history. In 1933, Christian missionaries arrived in the Ngaanyatjarra lands, and made contact with the Yarnangu people, who were nomadic and lived off the land. But unlike darker parts of our history, there was no stolen generation or cultural destruction. Today’s Yarnangu elders sit down and tell us what really happened on the Warbuton Mission.

Narrator: Belle Davidson, Cultural Chairwoman at Ngaanyatjarra Media.
Producer: Safia Desai, Radio Trainer/Producer at Ngaanyatjarra Media.
Executive Producer: Chris Hobart, General Manager at Ngaanyatjarra Media.
Photos by Safia Desai.

The Warbuton Mission Radio Documentary was produced by NG Media, a thriving indigenous-owned media organisation supporting 15 remote communities in the Western Desert region of Western Australia. Click here to find out more about their projects. 

Presenter: Georgia Moodie
Features Executive Producer: Belinda Lopez
Executive Producers: Giordana Caputo, Eliza Sarlos, Jesse Cox