#1539 Intervention


Stories about the knife edge, the moment when you watch something unfold and decide whether or not to intervene.

Like Sand

A story from Melbourne, about a moment on a metropolitan train. A heads up that this story contains a description of domestic violence, so if that’s triggering for you, you can call 1800 RESPECT anytime.

Producer: Beth Gibson

The Leard Blockade

“I couldn’t think of anything similarly important that I could do while remaining in my comfort zone.” As bulldozers threaten to descend on a patch of forest in north west NSW, an unlikely resistance was born. Farmers and environmentalists joined forces with the traditional owners of the land, the Gomeroi people. They formed the first blockade against a coal mine in Australia’s history. This is a story about an ordinary guy from Adelaide, and the moment he decided to sell his furniture and move to a tent in a forest.

Producer: Nagida Clark

Back From The Dead

The Lord Howe Island Stick Insect has long been thought extinct. It grows up to 15cm long, and at one point had a large population on the volcanic island off the NSW coast. In 1918 a supply ship ran aground on the island, rats crawled ashore and had completely destroyed the stick insect population within two years. Everybody figured that was that. Then the 1960s, a group of climbers on Ball’s Pyramid -a great big skyscraper of rock jutting out of the ocean about 20km away – thought they found some. in 2013, Nicholas Carlisle was part of the scientific expedition sent to climb the pyramid and find out if that was true.

Producer: Heidi Pett

episode image: Flickr user Leard State Forest