#1637 On the other side of the glass


A controversial series of photographs by artist Arne Svenson has been the subject of much discussion lately.

In it, Svenson exhibits photos of his neighbours, images he captured without their consent through the windows of their New York apartments.

This is more than ethically ambiguous, it’s pretty straight up wrong. But it doesn’t discount our secret desire for voyeuristic access to another person’s life. Especially with people who feel so incredible close we could almost touch them. People who would be firmly in reach if it weren’t for some kind of glass barrier.

‘Fatherhood’ by Jake Cupitt

Jake grew up with a bit of a strained relationship with his dad, who had a tendency to make grand plans but never follow through. Jake didn’t see him as much of a role model, and this sole experience of a ‘father-son relationship’ left him confused and uncertain about the kind of father he might become one day. Or even what kind of man he would become.

As an adult, Jake searched for new role models, and came across a university lecturer he admired. It wasn’t long before Jake discovered they both shared something in common: barriers between themselves and their fathers.

This interview with William Verity is an excerpt from Jake Cupitt’s original audio series “Man of the hour”, you can find it and more of Jake’s work on Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/jake-cupitt.

Music by Bensound

‘Display Lyfe’ by Lindsey Green

Two young performance artists, Nikki and Tamzen, have always been intrigued by the Instagram celebrities they follow religiously. But they were shocked when they discovered the glamorous lives they saw on their phone screens were not only fake, but entirely paid for by brands.

Nikki and Tamzen decided to stage an experiment to see how easy – or hard – life on the other side of their touch screens really was.

Photo: Benn Wood

Music: ‘Balti’ by Blue Dot Sessions 

Supervising Producer: Beth Gibson


Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Vic State Coordinator: Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

Presenter: Michael Brydon

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls