#281 Breasted Experience by Private Parts



Breasted Experience by Beth Gibson

“I want you to imagine that one day you get a blank email with an MP3 file with your name on it. You have no idea what’s in the file. You put on your headphones, lie down and press play.”

Breasts. They’re pretty hard to miss. But our genuine, intimate and unexpected experiences of having them are not often in the spotlight. So Beth Gibson decided to lift the shirt and ask five different people to share their varied experiences.

This week we bring you a feature documentary originally made for independent Australian podcast Private Parts, with help from Irit Pollak. Private Parts is a personal favourite of ours, we highly recommend you check them out. The stories and social experiments that feature on the podcast unlock social taboos and explore new territories. They are experiences that deeply affect us, but are all too often hidden from conversation or out of bounds. 

Private Parts is produced by Irit Pollak, you can find out more at their website: partlyprivate.com.


Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Vic state coordinator: Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Host: Jessica Hamilton

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls

Artwork by Tess Dawson