#291 Together, Alone


Inga identifies as Solo Poly, which kinda sounds like an oxymoron: someone who leads a life of polyamory, but one that is distinctly… solo. It’s the kind of thing she finds herself explaining over and over again to people outside of the poly community. How can you be alone and together at the same time?

This week, we’ve got four stories on the theme Together, Alone.

‘Pippi’ – by Beth Gibson

Unlikely alliances in the family household.

With thanks to David and Gaye, and music by Podington Bear.

‘Tatti’ by Pip Leason and Yehuda

Working three jobs and falling asleep at the dinner table, Tatti’s role in Yehuda’s life was defined by his absence.

Editing and sound design: Pip Leason. Supervising producer: Selena Shannon

Music: ‘Leaves’ by Nicholas Jaar

‘Ezzy’ by Eamonn Snow

Closure comes in strange and unexpected forms.

Music: ‘Echoes’ by Pink Floyd


All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Vic state coordinator: Bec Fary

SYN production manager: Beth Gibson

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Host: Selena Shannon

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls

Social Media: Louisa Thurn

Image by Flickr Creative Commons user Roman Kruglov