Tag: Elsie Bath

  • #368 Unfamiliar Territory

    #368 Unfamiliar Territory

    Are you afraid of the dark? Some 21 year olds are. We’re crossing into unfamiliar territory, coming of age and questioning the idea of firsts. The Virginity Complex by Talisse Desiderio This is a conversation amongst friends about the concept of purity through virginity. It’s a heart-to-heart about cultural preconceptions, shame and female identities. Supervising Producer:…

  • #359 The Right Thing

    #359 The Right Thing

    We’re looking for the right thing. Join us as we go for lols, put on clothes, live in a new city, look for a job and discover memories of a photograph from the archives. — I Don’t Know Much About Graphic Design by Alistair Baldwin There’s a joke about the Qantas kangaroo and the Puma puma.…