Tag: Jane Rawson

  • #1431 Cities You’ll Never See On Screen

    #1431 Cities You’ll Never See On Screen

    “If we are going to create  a better future for ourselves the people who are going to show us how to do it are those people who are working in the crazy spaces.” New York, LA, Tokyo. We see cities destroyed all the time in film, TV and in books. But how often does the…

  • The Apocalypse at Home – A Reading List

    The Apocalypse at Home – A Reading List

    Mentioned in the episode: States of Fantasy – Jacqueline Rose A Wrong Turn at the Office of Unmade Lists – Jane Rawson War of the Worlds – HG Wells Brave New World – Aldous Huxley 1984 – George Orwell The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood Tomorrow Series – John Marsden Shades of Grey – Jasper Fforde Sleep Dealer (film) Reign…