Tag: Madelyne Cummings

  • #1443 Christmas Again

    #1443 Christmas Again

    Back in 2011 ghost of All The Best past Eliza Sarlos and her partner hashed out what Christmas would look like for their brand new family, right here on the show. We decided to check back in – when does the tree go up? What goes on it? Importantly, does their little boy leave a…

  • #1437 Grief Part 1

    #1437 Grief Part 1



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    Most of us will grieve for someone or something at some point in our lives, but it’s strange and hard to talk about. Feelings of grief are hard to think about, let alone say out loud. This week on All the Best, you’ll be hearing part one of our exploration of grief. We’ll be treading…

  • #1316 America (feat. The Lifted Brow)

    #1316 America (feat. The Lifted Brow)




    All the Best ventures beyond our big brown land to the home of the free and the land of the brave. Beneath the joyful strains of the Star-Spangled Banner, the idea of America is pitted against its realities. We’re looking at the United States through a decidedly Aussie lens, and neither Lana Del Rey, nor…

  • #1235 A Few of Our Favourite Things

    #1235 A Few of Our Favourite Things




    All the Best casts its curious eye back on 2012 and shares a few of our favourite stories from the year. A former drug dealer and addict comes back from the brink; a surfer girl dares to be different in the 1970s, and a mother dancing on an old family video forms a lasting memory…

  • #1217 Im Not There

    #1217 Im Not There



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    The theme today on All the Best is taken from ‘Im Not There’ a film about Bob Dylan.  In the film six actors play six incarnations of Bob Dylan and today we have stories about shifting personalities, missing family and friends who seem real one moment and gone the next.  From Jasper who has 1…

  • Christmas Special

    Christmas Special




    This week we make our national debut on the Community Radio Network with All the Best’s Christmas Special. Eliza brought her baby Arthur Plum and partner Alex White to chat about what Christmas traditions they will create for Arthur and whether Santa will exisit.  All the Best Contributor Julia Thomas and her brother Andy  popped…