Tag: Tanya Rae

  • #503 My Grandparent’s Faith

    #503 My Grandparent’s Faith

    This week, stories about young people trying to understand their grandparents’ lives and why religion is so important to them.

  • #327 Self-Preservation

    #327 Self-Preservation

    As our world changes, our idea of self preservation has to change with it. We’ve got stories of different ways we try to keep existing. — ‘Hello whoever you are’ by Shelby Traynor In 1995, Greg Wilkinson wrote a letter to the future and buried it in a wall. At the time of writing, Paul…

  • #280 Family Fingerprints

    #280 Family Fingerprints

    _ “Two hip replacements and a stuffed knee didn’t quite allow him to make it out of the boat. So he was swept out to the open ocean…” Nobody likes thinking about losing their parents or grandparents (including us). So to avoid dwelling on the grief too much, this week we bring you stories about lessons…