#1608 Journey Through The Past



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Time to take a journey through the past. In both of these beautiful stories from Melbourne we meet two women, each reflecting on a connection to their old lives and exploring relationships lost.

Little Girl Lost by Made Stuchbery

Have you ever returned to a place from your childhood, only to find everything has shrunk down, and all the buildings and the rooms feel smaller than you remember?

Then you realise that it’s not the room or the town that got smaller. It was you that got bigger, and everything else stayed the same.

Made returns to an old bush track, fearlessly trodden in her childhood, to find past memories haunting her.

Supervising Producing by Bec Fary and Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

Music: Domino by Van Morrison, Beside you by Van Morrison

Goodbye Claude by Izzy Roberts-Orr

Goodbyes are hard, but often necessary. Sophie says goodbye to Claude for the last time, and ponders the significance of this particular break-up.

Compiled and edited by Selena Shannon

Music: Koi by Amorth


Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Vic State Coordinator: Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

Community Coordinator: Aidan Molins

Presenter: Pip Rasmussen

Image: Flickr Creative Commons user Toni Fish