#1609 Not Quite Mirror Image



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Do you ever think about how other people perceive you? How they interpret what you’re putting out into the world? Do you ever think about how different that interpretation might be from your own self perception?

In this episode we meet three people, each questioning the public’s perception of them, and trying to set the record straight.

Growing old as a lesbian by Zacha Rosen

Teresa Savage has spent her life not fitting in. And being awesome for it. She runs the website 55 Uppity, which is a site about “what older dykes and queers and lezzos wear and think and believe.” She fills us in.

This extract comes from our friends over at Not What You Think. If you like having your views of the world challenged, definitely check out this great little podcast.

Music: Impossible Girl #3 by Kim Bokebinder, Musica Poetica I: Gassenhauer by Carl Orff, Bad Girls by M.I.A. and You’re So Cool by Hans Zimmer

Luke from Lakemba by Caitlin Gibson

Luke Carman is a Western Sydney writer who sits outside of the hipster lit-crit, and rallies for an authentic Australian voice that is more reflective of ‘real’ – for lack of a better word- life Australia. In all its diversity, complexity, and discomfort.

In this short intro to Luke, he reads us an excerpt from his book ‘An Elegant Young Man’, set in the back seat of a taxi driving through Liverpool in Sydney’s Western suburbs.

Music: Beautiful waste by The Triffids

Who is Clara from Warringah? By Selena Shannon

Clara is 24 and a very normal young Sydney-sider. Except that last year she ran for parliament in the state election against Premier Mike Baird, notoriously Australia’s most popular politician. It was a move many people could not understand. This year, she has bigger fish to fry.

Music: Klara by Ólöf Arnalds

Image: Flickr Creative Commons user Ms L


Community Coordinator: Aidan Molins

Presenter: Pip Rasmussen

Executive Producer: Selena Shannon