#1345 …Vs The Establishment


What would you stand up and fight for?

Small Fry

‘ A warm man cannot understand a cold man’.

Barrister and Mediator Robin Margo was an activist during apartheid in South Africa.  He wanted to change the regime and fight for equality for all South Africans.  He campaigned alongside many passionate people.  However, it was an experience he shared with activist Steve Biko that has changed the way he now tries to relate to people.

Producer:  Zacha Rosen

Music Credits:  Delicate Particle Logic by Thomas Newman, Night Vision by Suzanne Vega, Unsquare Dance by Dave Brubeck, Sinnerman by Nina Simone, Crucify Your Mind by Sixto Rodriguez, Hidden in Snow by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross

Other links:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00xqj1n

Not on My Turf

Not on My Turf was created as part of the multi-platform storytelling installation Transform My Turf.  

Millers Point is in the heart of Sydney and is a richly diverse community.  The public housing tenants are currently under threat of losing their homes as the Government makes room for a new, wealthy community to move in.  This documentary shares the stories of the public housing residents who’ve been living in Millers Point for generations.

Producer’s:  Carly-Ann Keneally & Jordan Byron

Sound Designer:  Oliver Pieterse

Supervising Producer: Kate Montague

Interviewee’s:  Chad Ford, Bob and Barney, Col and Terry, Flo Secold, Quentin Dempster, Alex Greenwich and Ron.

*Quentin Dempster was interviewed as a resident of Millers Point and his views do not reflect those of the ABC.

Music Credits: Our House by Madness

Other links:  http://www.transformyourturf.org.au/

Picture Credit:  Transform My Turf – Jordan Bryon

Music Credit:  Fight the Power by Public Enemy

Production Manager:  Carly-Ann Keneally

Executive Producer’s:  Belinda Lopez & Giordana Caputo

Feature’s Executive Producer:  Merran Winchester