Tag: Carly Anne Keneally

  • #1405 Endangered Jobs

    #1405 Endangered Jobs

    Technology is taking all the jobs. It’s hard to avoid articles and opinions about the end of video stores, of newspapers, of the humble bookshop. This week, we went looking for a few of those endangered jobs – a man giving a heartfelt eulogy for his bookstore, and a mother suddenly made redundant. We hear…

  • #1345 …Vs The Establishment

    #1345 …Vs The Establishment

    What would you stand up and fight for? Small Fry ‘ A warm man cannot understand a cold man’. Barrister and Mediator Robin Margo was an activist during apartheid in South Africa.  He wanted to change the regime and fight for equality for all South Africans.  He campaigned alongside many passionate people.  However, it was…

  • #1323 Mad Science

    #1323 Mad Science

     Giving not Taking With only 5 litres of blood in our body, you’d think it would be in our best interest to keep all of that inside….you’d think. Producer Michael Kermode travels to Woy Woy, just north of Sydney to learn more about a very natural therapy making a comeback.  Since it’s days of glory…

  • #1302 Beyond the Comfort Zone II

    #1302 Beyond the Comfort Zone II

    All the Best stays out on a limb, beyond the comfort zone. We go to the middle of Jakarta’s devastating floods, where flood victims give our disaster tourists a taste of their own medicine. And a granddaughter who hasn’t seen her Nan in five years makes an emotional journey to the nursing home where her…

  • #1213 A Frightened Country

    #1213 A Frightened Country

    Where were you when the Cronulla Riots broke out? The answer to this question is something that most Sydneysiders can recall with ease. This week’s episode explores the Cronulla riots and the topic of Nationalism from the perspective of an ‘accidental passerby’ and and ‘accidental local’. Sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem. What does…

  • #1208 Reinvention

    #1208 Reinvention

    This week on All the Best it’s all about reinventing the wheel. We bring you stories about reinventing yourself for online dating, we travel to Vanuatu and back and hear a fictional story about dying birds who get turned into… robots! My Mum Dating Produced by Brigitte Dagg The Last Ones Written and read by…