#280 Family Fingerprints



“Two hip replacements and a stuffed knee didn’t quite allow him to make it out of the boat. So he was swept out to the open ocean…”

Nobody likes thinking about losing their parents or grandparents (including us). So to avoid dwelling on the grief too much, this week we bring you stories about lessons learned, memories gained and families changed by a loss instead.

“Waka” by Joshua Garlepp

When Josh Garlepp was living in a share-house in Perth, his housemate Brock would play guitar a lot. One day, when Brock was playing a tune at home, Josh noticed something roughly scratched into Brock’s guitar. The word “Waka”. When Josh asked him about it, the answer was quite the story.

This piece is about Brock’s family, and a secret inlet five hours south of Perth.

Music: Brock Crombie-Wilson playing Ben Harper Paris Sunrise number 7

“A little piece of ash” by Megan Wilding

When you don’t know how to help someone after a loss, try buying them a soft drink.

An excerpt from a play read at Yellamundie, the National First Peoples Playwrights Festival. To find out more about Yellamundie, go to www.moogahlin.org, or follow Moogahlin Performing Arts on Facebook and Instagram (@moogahlin).

“Devotion” by Tanya Bonnie Rae

For as long as she’s known them, Tanya’s grandparents have been devoted to the Christian church. Their lives were focused on the church community, people in their parish and each other.

It’s not a life Tanya wants for herself, per se, but she’s always admired her grandparents, so she decided to take a look at their lives, and maybe figure out her own life plan along the way.

Music: Leaf Shower by Podington Bear


Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Vic state coordinator: Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Host: Jessica Hamilton

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls