#1440 The Future is Now

All the Best producer Joel Carnegie got strapped into a bionic ear, which, to be honest, we thought was still part of the future instead of part of the present.
That got us thinking – what else seems to be firmly in the future, with flying cars and space highways? What stuff exists that makes the present feel like history?
In this episode of All the Best, the future is now.
We watch robots fight it out on a battlefield, and take sides. We delve into the world of bionics, and we go out on a canoe with people who are already being affected by climate change.
Benevolent Robots 
Pip visited Macquarie University with a friend to watch a robot competition. At first she thought it was going to be like that old tv show where robots would fight in a ring. But turns out these robots weren’t made for miniature battles with stabbing arms and flame throwers. No no, they were much more important – robots to plant and sow seeds for farms.
Produced by Pip Rasmussen
Bionic Ear
There’s a place in Melbourne called The Bionics Institute. They’ve researched the brain and found that hearing loss is plays a huge role in cognitive decline, meaning, memory and ability to pay attention and multitask. so they decided to fix it. Joel Carnegie got hooked up to some machines in the name of radio and science to bring us this story of the bionic ear.
Produced by Joel Carnegie

Rising tides
While we debate whether climate change is happening, whether it’s our fault, and what we should do about it, for some people climate change isn’t a theory, or even part of a theoretical future. It’s real and now and part of their lives. Josie Wright spent a weekend in Newcastle with the Pacific Warriors, for whom a climate change affected future is all too..present.
Produced by Josie Wright and Selena Shannon

Presenters:  Pip Rasmussen & Michael Brydon

Features Executive Producers: Heidi Pett & Jess O’Callaghan

Image Credit: 350.org