#1441 The Best Spag Bol

The last mandarin you peeled in the high school library. Sticky date pudding in the oven when you come home after a long time away. Hot fish and chips on a cold blustery day. Bacon sticky with maple syrup on your birthday.
The tastes and smells of food are so entwined with our memories. You might now know how much until you take a spoonful of something, hold it in your mouth, and find yourself falling through time.
This week on All the Best we tell stories of food and memory. A soup that’s travelled through nations and generations. 75 dates and 75 meals around the world. And a really great kids meal – the Fishy Dishy.
The Fishy Dishy
This first story comes from Pip’s boyfriend Luke and his family. They all sat on his mums bed and talked about the time they visited Nambucca Heads, about 5 and half hours north of Sydney. Featuring freak waves with a side of kids meals.
Produced by Pip Rasmussen
Men on the Menu
First dates, especially first dinner dates, can be so nerve-wracking and confronting. Do I have spinach in my teeth? Should I have ordered the spag bol? For Melbourne author Bambi Smyth, a world tour was accompanied by 75 first dates with men from 24 countries, all taste-tested on an 80-day round trip. Bambi gave producer Bec Fary an appetiser from her book, Men on the Menu.
Produced by Bec Fary
Cucumber Soup
All The Best producer Aidan Molins never got to connect with his grandparents, who travelled around the world representing the Republic of Ireland at diplomatic events in places like Luxembourg, Germany, and the United States. However, during her stay in Lagos, Nigeria, one young girl did, who grew up to be an economic advisor in Toronto, and food writer. Due to the internet and a little bit of serendipity, Aidan got in touch with Shayma, and his heritage.
Produced by Aidan Molins
Image Credit: Laura D’Alessandro