#307 The Powder Room


Come join us in a private space we’ve filled with mysticism, discretion, and secrecy. The Powder Room.


‘Menstruation: Then and now’ by Nina Enever

Stock up the chocolate, boil the kettle, and put on your trackies – you’re about to have your very first period. Except it’s the 1940’s, there are no disposable tampons, and you’ve never heard of a period.

Nina Enever talked to our grannies about periods so you don’t have to.

Music by Lee Rosevere
Supervising producers: Selena Shannon and Bec Fary.


‘Chamber Pot Opera’ by Tegan Nicholls

The Queen Victoria Building bathrooms in Sydney are a throwback to a time when women would powder their wigs, paint their faces and slide a tip into the attendant’s pocket. Throw an opera into the mix and it’s the complete package.

Only this isn’t any opera, and it’s far from Victorian when it comes to the women involved. Tegan Nicholls brings us this one about an opera in a bathroom.

Music: Original performances from the Chamber Pot Opera


All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Selena Shannon

Host: Ash Berdebes

Episode Compiler: Tegan Nicholls

Vic State Coordinator: Bec Fary

SYN production manager: Beth Gibson

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

Social Media: Louisa Thurn

Image by Flickr Creative Commons user Ernesto Lago

Songs for Nina’s story were: ‘Puzzle Pieces’, ‘Curiosity’, ‘I’m Going for a Coffee’, ‘The Secret to Growing Up’ and ‘If So Then’