#357 No Clue


Put on your detective hats and eyeglasses, and join us as we investigate two cases of strange signs in public places.

‘The Elusive Equinox of Eveleigh’ by Lili Occhiuto

A poster taped to a telegraph pole sent Lili on a journey of uncertainty, suspicion and weirdness. This detective-in-training investigated the thread between the precession of the Equinox, inner city Sydney and someone called Snowflake.

Voice Overs: Reginald Harris and Thomas Husband

Supervising Producer: Allison Chan

Music: ‘Solid Breath’ by Okuesha

Image Credit: Lili Occhiuto

‘Five Walks, Thirty Plaques and One Answer’ by Lindsey Green and Aron Lewin

Three years ago, Lindsey discovered three small brass plaques with obscure times and dates in Melbourne’s RMIT City campus. Lindsey and co-investigator Aron were determined to get to the bottom of the mystery — even if it meant a trail of rabbit holes and dead ends.

Supervising Producers: Allison Chan, Beth Gibson, Bec Fary and Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

Music: The Zeppelin by Blue Dot Sessions, Gaena by Blue Dot Sessions, Vittoro by Blue Dot Sessions, In Pursuit of Silence by Daniel Birch

Image Credit: Lindsey Green 

Image Credit: Aron Lewin 

All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Allison Chan

Victorian State Coordinator: Jordan Fennell

Host: Samantha Groth

Episode Mixer and Compiler: Elina Godwin

Community Coordinator: Chloe Gillespie

SYN Community Coordinator: Erin Dick

Social Media Producer: Matilda Fay

Image: Unsplash CC: Ozan Safak

Music: ‘My Own Mystery’ by LANKS