#430 Long Distance


As Melbourne went into stage four lockdown, we put together these stories about connecting to friends and family from a distance — by sharing music, memories and ramen.

‘Culinary Memory’ by Lidiya Josifova

Cooking is like a delicious time machine. It takes you back to places you’ve been and people you’ve seen. When sharing a meal with friends, even moving home mid-pandemic means you can take those memories with you.

Biang Biang noodles
Biang biang noodles via @ixta.belfrage on Instagram

Producer: Lidiya Josifova

Supervising producer: Ryan Pemberton

Music: “Svela Tal”, “Flor Vjell”, “Velda Talllow”, and “Cicle Clavis Textile” by Blue Dot Sessions.

‘Nehemiah’ by Lawrence Hamilton

Nehemiah lived a great life in Liberia, then the Civil War came.

Producer: Lawrence Hamilton

Supervising producer: Ryan Pemberton

Music: “White Filament”, “Guinea”, “Indirect”, and “DRCH”, by Blue Dot Sessions.

All The Best credits:

Executive Producer: Ryan Pemberton

Victorian State Coordinator: Jordan Fennell

Host: Maddy Macquine

Episode mix and compile: Ryan Pemberton

Community Coordinators: Chloe Gillespie and Danni Stewart

SYN Community Coordinator: Lee Robinson

Social Media Producers: Matilda Fay and Angela Moran

Photo: Nuno Antunes via Unsplash