Tag: Caitlin Gibson

  • #1633: Unknown Pleasures

    #1633: Unknown Pleasures

    By this stage of our lives we’ve formed pretty solid ideas of how the world should be, we think we know what we like and what we don’t like. We’re familiar with the streets in our towns and we know the kind of films we like. But for the people in our stories this week,…

  • #1609 Not Quite Mirror Image

    #1609 Not Quite Mirror Image

      All The Best is brought to you with thanks to Squarespace. Do you ever think about how other people perceive you? How they interpret what you’re putting out into the world? Do you ever think about how different that interpretation might be from your own self perception? In this episode we meet three people, each…

  • #1604 Doggie

    #1604 Doggie

      Sometimes a radio show just needs to bask in the glory of dogs. Because dogs are great. Open your ears to stories of the unbreakable bond humans have with their four-legged pals, and the lengths some people will go to for an animal they love. Music: ‘808 and Moog Out’ by Podington Bear, ‘Dogs…

  • #1429 Underground

    #1429 Underground

    In this episode, we’re going underground, with secrets, subcultures and subversive publishing. We meet River, one of the elusive Shoplifters of Tumblr, and hear stories of Oz Magazine from Jim Anderson. The Shoplifters of Tumblr The internet has meant that even the most underground of movements, most clandestine of activities, are now made to be…

  • #1308 Everyone Needs Music II

    #1308 Everyone Needs Music II

    An Australian is on her way to Mali, in West Africa, for her dream adventure trip: to attend the Festival in the Desert. But the musicians have already fled. Escaping war and violence, the nomadic Tuareg musicians have crossed the border to Burkina Faso. In the desolate refugee camps, despite hunger and homelessness, their music…