Tag: Aidan Molins

  • #1625 What The Audience Doesn’t See

    #1625 What The Audience Doesn’t See

    Sitting in the darkness of a cinema or the silence of a theatre, audiences are happy to suspend disbelief and be captivated by a performance. And if a show is good enough, rarely do we pause to wonder what might be going on inside the performers’ heads. What’s taking place that we might not be able to see, even from…

  • #1605 Temporary Communities

    #1605 Temporary Communities

      This episode was brought to you with thanks to Squarespace Visit a collection of temporary communities in this week’s episode of All The Best. Her Game Producer Bethany Atkinson-Quinton dives into the world of women’s AFL in her new audio series Her Game. The series unpacks how some people experience their gender in the traditionally hyper-masculine world of Australian Rules Football.…

  • #1517 The Sea Told Slant

    #1517 The Sea Told Slant

      “While I was listening for what wasn’t being said about the boats that weren’t being talked about, I also begun to pay attention to those that were. Boats that went down in Uganda, Bangladesh, South Korea, in lakes, oceans and rivers. Cruises, tankers, yachts and ferries.” For centuries, the sea has inspired stories. Songs,…

  • #1441 The Best Spag Bol

    #1441 The Best Spag Bol

    The last mandarin you peeled in the high school library. Sticky date pudding in the oven when you come home after a long time away. Hot fish and chips on a cold blustery day. Bacon sticky with maple syrup on your birthday. The tastes and smells of food are so entwined with our memories. You…