500 Retrospective: The Block Part Two

In celebration of All The Best reaching 500 episodes, we’re looking back into the archives and replaying episodes that, while recorded in years past, remain relevant today.

This week, an episode that aired in 2011 about ‘The Block’, an area of social housing in Redfern that was a hub of culture and community for First Nations people. The area was controversially redeveloped as part of ‘The Pemulwuy Project’, and as this episode was aired, the project was just beginning to take place.

While some praised the change, others condemned the destruction of an important area and the displacement of First Nations people. Now in 2022, the effects of the project are clearer. There is a severe lack of housing security for Aboriginal people in the area, especially as the redevelopment of social housing in Waterloo begins. See below for actions and information related to The Block and the legacy of the Pemulwuy Project.

As of 2nd August 2022, plans have been made to close Redfern’s National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE). This is a place of community that has employed many First Nations people and provides accessible facilities for children to learn and play. The closing is devastating to many in the community. Read more about it here and follow the Tribal Warrior Aboriginal Corporation for updates on actions.


The Block in Redfern: filled with stories of family and passing travellers, of death, loss of faith and redemption – All The Best take you to one of Australia’s most talked about addresses.

Produced by Kath Lim

Yvonne Phillips
Produced by Madeleine James

Shane and Lionel
Produced by Kath Lim

Redfern Gym
Produced by Jesse Cox

St Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
by Gina McKeon

Mick Mundine
Produced by Jesse Cox

Presenter: Eliza Sarlos
Supervising Producer Gina McKeon
Features Executive Producer: Jesse Cox
Technical Producers: Antonia Gauci & Damian Enemark (repeat)
Executive Producers: Jesse Cox, Brigitte Dagg, Eliza Sarlos 

Music credit:
Image Credit: Lauren Carrol-Harris photo essay ‘The Block’


The following are links to stories from First Nations people, actions and information that support the significance of The Block and Redfern, and the consequences of commercial redevelopment: