#1404 Bravery


There are many different ways to be brave. In fiction, stories of bravery are told as grand gestures and epic battles – these three stories are about real, everyday bravery, the kind we find in our friends and family. A text message from a friend, a soldier standing by his daughter, and a band who packed up everything and headed for the east coast. From standing up for what you believe in, to being yourself no matter what it takes and chasing your dreams – a few brave souls have agreed to share their stories with us.


We Shall Overcome

War has for centuries been an arena for a particular type of bravery. Our first story is about the bravery of one particular soldier, though not on the battlefield.

Produced by Michael Brydon
Music Credit: ‘We Shall Overcome’ by Pete Seeger, ‘Rooftop’ by Duke Ellington

My Friend Frankie

Shaping your identity can be a scary experience, especially when you don’t fit within certain specifications. Tess Lawley shares the story of Frankie, who has been making some pretty brave decisions on the way to working out their identity.

Produced by Tess Lawley
Music Credits: ‘Cauliflower Jack’ by Caitlin Park

Ensemble Formidable

Bravery often rears it’s head when there is a decision to be made, and many of us face our most difficult decisions when thinking about our careers. This story is about the band Ensemble Formidable, and the fun, stupid, brave decisions you have to make when you’re a musician.

Produced by Emily Woods
Music Credits: Ensemble Formidable


Melbourne Features Executive Producer: Tess Lawley

Production Manager: Carly-Ann Keneally

Executive Producers: Giordana Caputo & Belinda Lopez

Feature’s Executive Producer: Merran Winchester

Image Credit: Washington Area Spark