Tag: Tess Lawley

  • #1515 A Walk In The Park

    #1515 A Walk In The Park

      When 17-year-old Masa Vukotic was murdered in the Melbourne suburb of Doncaster while out for a walk in a park near her house, the Victorian Homicide Squad Chief responded to the tragedy by suggesting this: “…people, particularly females, they shouldn’t be alone in parks…I’m sorry to say that is the case.” And it hit…

  • #1444 What Is Cool?

    #1444 What Is Cool?

    What defines “cool”? Is pop music cool? Or vintage vinyl? Is wearing grandma’s doily as a reworked cardigan cool? Or is that daggy? What makes something cool, and who decides when its time is over? When you were little, the answers to these questions were easy. Obvious, even. You knew with so much certainty that…

  • #1417 Human

    #1417 Human

    This week, All the Best is telling stories about what it means to be human. Humans being excellent or awful to other humans, realising someone is only human, or that someone we idolise is human after all. Humans making mistakes and making things better. We also hear two stories more told at our Sydney Writers’…

  • #1414 A Fear Of…

    #1414 A Fear Of…

    All the Best asks you to reveal your fears – the more irrational the better. Some of them are born out of lessons learnt and childhood disasters, and others come seemingly out of nowhere. You guys fear a lot of stuff. Blind dates, small holes, eggs, mannequins, speeding fines, frogs, neck-touching, technical difficulties, the Mad…

  • #1413 Harvest Festival

    #1413 Harvest Festival

    Nestled in between the houses, roads and busy day to day life of inner suburban Melbourne is a little slice of nature and simple living. This week, All the Best gets up at the crack of dawn when the roosters are crowing and spends the day at CERES Harvest Festival, in Melbourne’s East Brunswick. Seita…

  • #1404 Bravery

    #1404 Bravery

    There are many different ways to be brave. In fiction, stories of bravery are told as grand gestures and epic battles – these three stories are about real, everyday bravery, the kind we find in our friends and family. A text message from a friend, a soldier standing by his daughter, and a band who…

  • #1403 The Most Important Thing

    #1403 The Most Important Thing

    Schools are made for learning, and everyone can name a few things they learnt in school. This episode is about the opposite. We asked a bunch of people “What’s the most important thing school never taught you?” The stories we heard in response feature a whole range of answers including taxes, testicles, failure, continents, conviction,…

  • #1402 Adaptation

    #1402 Adaptation

    Fires, floods, melting ice and strange weather patterns. The effects of climate change can already be seen in a lot of ways, from the way someone farms, to the way a house is built, to the place someone parks their car to drink a coffee and look out over the ocean. In this episode, we…

  • #1401 Prime (feat. Voiceworks)

    #1401 Prime (feat. Voiceworks)

    All the Best’s Melbourne Collective teams up with literary magazine Voiceworks to bring you stories from their latest, ‘Prime’. A man spends his days feeding his favourite tiny shark, Hashbrown, and never asking why. A scientist insists on a future where old age is eradicated. One poet wonders who is haunting his house and another…

  • #1329 On the Road

    #1329 On the Road

    Everyone likes adventure and the long roads of Australia, that stretch thousands of kilometres through changing landscapes, can offer the perfect place for adventure and discovery. And whatever the reason you’re on the road; love, adventure, escape, you’re bound to make some pretty amazing discoveries in this big ‘ol country. This episode we hear the…

  • #1327 Imagination….

    #1327 Imagination….

    “Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored.” -Patricia A McKillip- Imagination allows us to feel, see and experience beyond our actual reality.  It can be a source of joy and inspiration, terror and anguish and everything in between. What is happening in our brains when we…

  • #1230 Doorstop

    #1230 Doorstop

    Doorstop (n): 1. An interview by a journalist in which the interviewee is approached unknowingly at their place of residence or work. 2. An uninvited interview by paparazzi or tabloid reporter (Source: All the Best dictionary). Armed with microphones, our producers chase down their unsuspecting targets to ask them the big questions in life, on…

  • #1220 The Birds and the Bees

    #1220 The Birds and the Bees

    We’re sitting you down and telling you about the birds and the bees: and it’s guaranteed to be just as awkward and intriguing as you remember it. From an parent- to-child sex talk that happens 10 years too late, just for your listening pleasure; an escort who falls for his client; and the craze for…

  • #1216 24 Hour Challenge

    #1216 24 Hour Challenge

    This week we set our contributors a challenge. Make a radio story in 24 hours. The day we picked was Sunday August 5.  The time to begin midday. Windsurfing under the flightpath Produced by Miles Martingoni For as long as he can remember, Miles’s father has been trying to drag him out onto the water.…