

Guest presenter Jesse Cox begins the program talking to his Dad, a school principal about getting kidnapped by his Year 12 students.

Elcho Island
Produced by Zacha Rosen

Have you ever wanted to get out of Sydney? Get out of cities altogether and live — not just holiday — in remote Australia, with a remote community maybe, and do something useful way out there? One of our producers had a pair of friends who did just that. They went up into the Northern Territory to work, straight out of Uni. Zacha Rosen tells us about some of the thing that got learned up there, by his friends.

Taxi Lessons
Written and read by Miles O’neil
Original music and sound design by Jai Pine
Produced by Jesse Cox

Taxi drivers have long held the reputation of being more than just drivers – political commentators, poets, musicians – if you get a good driver you can pick up a few tips.  And we all have our taxi story we share at the pub – this next story is one of those taxi stories and it comes from Mile O’Neil. miles was leaving a party in Melbourne on a rainy night and caught a taxi ride where the driver decided to give him one of life’s most important lessons.

Wholehearted Living
Produced by Alexandra Kennett

Alex Kennet found a Kanesiologist, One Health directer Natalie Warehan, with a few lessons to share about living.

Presenter: Jesse Cox
Supervising Producer: Alex Storey
Features Executive Producer: Jesse Cox

Executive Producers: Jesse Cox, Brigitte Dagg, Eliza Sarlos