Tag: Carly-Anne Kenneally

  • #1629 Taking Refuge in Recipes

    #1629 Taking Refuge in Recipes

    It’s been said before, but food is full of meaning. It can transcend borders, cultures, language and class. This week on All The Best, we bring you two stories of how peace and refuge were found through the ritual of cooking and eating. ‘A Recipe for Refuge’ by Carly-Anne Kenneally Does the smell of a certain…

  • #1523 ‘Limits’ – EWF Special

    #1523 ‘Limits’ – EWF Special

    What happens when you send seven writers and seven producers to Docklands and force them to make a radio for a whole day? Well, it’s interesting. All the Best teamed up with the Emerging Writers Festival to develop new stories on the theme ‘limits’ and this is what they created. We were at the city…

  • #1520 Go Play Outside

    #1520 Go Play Outside

    Do you remember climbing a tree as a kid? Running through the bush in the dark, feeling leaves and twigs crunch beneath your feet, your torch out of battery? Did you leap up to grab at the monkey bars even though your arms were too short to make it? It seems that in a few…

  • #1413 Harvest Festival

    #1413 Harvest Festival

    Nestled in between the houses, roads and busy day to day life of inner suburban Melbourne is a little slice of nature and simple living. This week, All the Best gets up at the crack of dawn when the roosters are crowing and spends the day at CERES Harvest Festival, in Melbourne’s East Brunswick. Seita…