#470 A Fluorescent Feeling

This week we’re featuring the first episode of A Fluorescent Feeling. A project about pain and our bodies, how we talk about them and live inside them. 

Content Warning: This podcast touches on some heavy themes, if you or someone you know require assistance, contact one of the following 24/7 crisis support services: Lifeline (13 11 14), beyondblue (1300 22 4636), Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), eheadspace (1800 650 890), or QLIFE (1800 184 527). If you would like to read more about pain science visit Tame The Beast, Pain Australia and Chronic Pain Australia.

A Fluorescent Feeling by Georgia Mill, Michelle Macklem and Beth Atkinson-Quinton

Over Three million Australians live with chronic pain. Being in pain can be lonely, boring, scary and frustrating. But what if it could also be beautiful, colourful and textual? What if we could share it with others? 

A Fluorescent Feeling encourages listeners to look at pain differently: asking questions about how we might record pain in new ways, how pain intersects with power and how pain and intimacy are related.

A Fluorescent Feeling is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.

Producers: Georgia Mill, Michelle Macklem and Beth Atkinson-Quinton and the Broadwave Team

Find out more and listen to part 2 and 3 on Broadwave’s Website or subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts.


All The Best credits:

Production Manager: Danni Stewart

Editorial Manager: Mell Chun

Episode Mix and Compile: Danni Stewart

Host: Helenna Barone-Peters

Social Media Producers: Emma Pham

Community and Events Coordinator: Lidiya Josifova

SYN Mentee Producer: Wing Kuang