Tag: Bethany Atkinson-Quinton

  • #593 Reflections

    #593 Reflections

    This week we’re bringing you stories that question and expand our national identity. A content warning, this episode contains racial slurs, racism, and violence so please listen with care. The Ocean and the Desert Flower In our first story, Zeinab shares the things she loves about her home, and ruminates on the various contradictions involved…

  • 500 Retrospective: Life After

    500 Retrospective: Life After

    This week we’re bringing you ‘Life After’, an episode that first aired in 2017. From a global pandemic to natural disasters, grief and loss have followed us all in the last few years, and now is a perfect time to reflect on these, often ignored, feelings.

  • #470 A Fluorescent Feeling

    #470 A Fluorescent Feeling

    Over Three million Australians live with chronic pain. Being in pain can be lonely, boring, scary and frustrating. But what if it could also be beautiful, colourful and textual? What if we could share it with others? 

  • #329 The Forest and The Sea

    #329 The Forest and The Sea

    Let’s go outside. We chase the birdsong of a nightingale in a Berlin forest. We sit with the silence and sounds of nature, as we try to articulate the grief of losing someone you love. Both of these stories were produced and first broadcast in 2017. They were made for an All The Best listening event of nocturnal…

  • #287 Life After

    #287 Life After

    #1710 Life After What does life feel like in the wake of death? How do we cope, who do we turn to, and what can we do to make it better when we’re left behind? This week we’re looking at life after loss. ~ ‘Where the sky meets the sea’ by Bethany Atkinson-Quinton When you stare at…

  • #1624 Take the Leap

    #1624 Take the Leap

    “If a group of strangers in the street asked you to jump on a mysterious box, would you take the leap?” This week we meet three people who took a leap into the unknown, not sure where they would land. Griffin Blumer confronts a suspicious cardboard box in the small, spooky town of Tumut. Bethany Atkinson-Quinton brings…

  • #1611 Her Game

    #1611 Her Game

    By Bethany Atkinson-Quinton This week All The Best devotes a full episode to a podcast series that was released last year, now in full documentary form. Bethany Atkinson-Quinton lives in an AFL state. Like everyone else in Melbourne, she knows the sport is part of Victoria’s identity. Some might even say Australia’s national identity. Yet…

  • #1605 Temporary Communities

    #1605 Temporary Communities

      This episode was brought to you with thanks to Squarespace Visit a collection of temporary communities in this week’s episode of All The Best. Her Game Producer Bethany Atkinson-Quinton dives into the world of women’s AFL in her new audio series Her Game. The series unpacks how some people experience their gender in the traditionally hyper-masculine world of Australian Rules Football.…

  • #1543 One House At A Time

    #1543 One House At A Time

    Today on All the Best, we’re knocking on doors and peering over fences. We chatted to our neighbours to find out who’s having the shortest showers? Who’s switched to solar power? Climate change is often talked about in very big terms. Our planet is at risk, and we need to take huge steps to improve…

  • #1541 Wish You Were Here

    #1541 Wish You Were Here

    Earlier this month, our Melbourne Collective hosted a listening party with stories and sounds about distance. Last week on the show, we picked up signals from faraway. Today, in Part 2, we’re finding out what happens to the people who stay home. How do you communicate across distance? Can you bridge the gap? Compromise Michael…

  • #1540 Oceans Apart

    #1540 Oceans Apart

    What does distance sound like? Today on All the Best, we’re crossing borders. We’re traversing long distances. We’re picking up signals from faraway. Earlier this month, our Melbourne Collective hosted a listening party with stories and sounds about distance. On the show today, we’re hearing three stories from the night. Ernesto Juan Castellanos An excerpt…

  • #1534 Without Words

    #1534 Without Words

    Listen closely because this week on All The Best we’re weaving our way in and out of the spaces between words and examining the meaning that’s hidden in silence. Think about how much we say without our words. What if you didn’t have words to communicate? What if we just choose not to speak? How would…

  • #1528 Naked

    #1528 Naked

    Avert your eyes. This week on all the best we’re tackling one of the biggest remaining taboos – getting naked. Because as liberated as you may feel, as comfortable in your own skin, when it comes down to it you pulled a shirt on over your head before trotting off to work today. You probably…

  • #1525 Past in the Present

    #1525 Past in the Present

    It’s easy to think of time as a continuum – what is done is done, what is past is past, the future holds only new stories and possibilities. The problem with that is, it ignores all the detritus the past speckles through the present. What do sea shanties, a cassette player and a broken heart have in…

  • #1521 Listener to Participant

    #1521 Listener to Participant

    This week on All the Best, we present stories from the PBS Collaborative Radio Project. These pieces come from new radio makers from emerging, refugee or asylum seeker communities, who teamed up with radio mentors to make original stories.   The stories featured are some of those produced through the project, which is the result…

  • #1520 Go Play Outside

    #1520 Go Play Outside

    Do you remember climbing a tree as a kid? Running through the bush in the dark, feeling leaves and twigs crunch beneath your feet, your torch out of battery? Did you leap up to grab at the monkey bars even though your arms were too short to make it? It seems that in a few…

  • #1515 A Walk In The Park

    #1515 A Walk In The Park

      When 17-year-old Masa Vukotic was murdered in the Melbourne suburb of Doncaster while out for a walk in a park near her house, the Victorian Homicide Squad Chief responded to the tragedy by suggesting this: “…people, particularly females, they shouldn’t be alone in parks…I’m sorry to say that is the case.” And it hit…

  • #1510 In A Day

    #1510 In A Day

    A lot can happen in one day. Everything can change, or nothing can. Some days are special and some days are so completely ordinary that we can tell them apart from the others. On one day this month, 24 hours at the beginning of March, we sent All the Best producers out in search of…

  • #1403 The Most Important Thing

    #1403 The Most Important Thing

    Schools are made for learning, and everyone can name a few things they learnt in school. This episode is about the opposite. We asked a bunch of people “What’s the most important thing school never taught you?” The stories we heard in response feature a whole range of answers including taxes, testicles, failure, continents, conviction,…