Tag: Pip Rasmussen

  • #1614 Sydney Unlocked

    #1614 Sydney Unlocked

      The Opera House is easily one of Sydney’s greatest cultural icons, but its beginnings were fraught with political drama and artistic contention. Today, the white sails have become such a recognisable emblem of Sydney that those troubles seem all but forgotten. But to many it feels like the wider Sydney art scene is still…

  • #1529 It All Ends In Death

    #1529 It All Ends In Death

    So it’s all kind of cool when they give you an iPad in a museum and you think “Oh, I didn’t have to download something and maybe I could walk home with this except I think probably not”. Except, that for two of our producers, Lynda and Zacha, this iPad got handed over at the Museum…

  • #1528 Naked

    #1528 Naked

    Avert your eyes. This week on all the best we’re tackling one of the biggest remaining taboos – getting naked. Because as liberated as you may feel, as comfortable in your own skin, when it comes down to it you pulled a shirt on over your head before trotting off to work today. You probably…

  • #1522 Permanence

    #1522 Permanence

    Permanence is often something sought after rather than a reality. Humans crave permanence – a steady income, a permanent home, a permanent companion. We ink permanence onto our skin, carve our lovers names into padlocks, throw away keys and make vows using words like forever. But very few realities can meet our expectations of permanence.…

  • #1520 Go Play Outside

    #1520 Go Play Outside

    Do you remember climbing a tree as a kid? Running through the bush in the dark, feeling leaves and twigs crunch beneath your feet, your torch out of battery? Did you leap up to grab at the monkey bars even though your arms were too short to make it? It seems that in a few…

  • #1512 Quiet Please

    #1512 Quiet Please

    Do you still use a library? Last time you went to the library did you actually borrow a book? These days, libraries hum with computers, and provide meeting spaces and work stations. They’re full of magazines, DVDs, graphic novels, activities. It’s kinda hard to put your finger on what a modern library even is now.…

  • #1502 No Pets Allowed

    #1502 No Pets Allowed

    This week on All the Best – people who own pets in circumstances you might not expect. Man’s Best Friend More families is Australia have a dog than any other pet. Step outside and you’ll probably hear one, if not from your backyard then from someone else’s. But what happens if there’s a religious law on…

  • #1444 What Is Cool?

    #1444 What Is Cool?



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    What defines “cool”? Is pop music cool? Or vintage vinyl? Is wearing grandma’s doily as a reworked cardigan cool? Or is that daggy? What makes something cool, and who decides when its time is over? When you were little, the answers to these questions were easy. Obvious, even. You knew with so much certainty that…

  • #1441 The Best Spag Bol

    #1441 The Best Spag Bol

    The last mandarin you peeled in the high school library. Sticky date pudding in the oven when you come home after a long time away. Hot fish and chips on a cold blustery day. Bacon sticky with maple syrup on your birthday. The tastes and smells of food are so entwined with our memories. You…

  • #1440 The Future is Now

    #1440 The Future is Now

    All the Best producer Joel Carnegie got strapped into a bionic ear, which, to be honest, we thought was still part of the future instead of part of the present. That got us thinking – what else seems to be firmly in the future, with flying cars and space highways? What stuff exists that makes…

  • #1438 Grief Part 2

    #1438 Grief Part 2



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    Most of us will grieve for someone or something at some point in our lives, but it’s strange and hard to talk about. Feelings of grief are hard to think about, let alone say out loud. This week on All the Best, you’ll be hearing part two of our exploration of Grief. We’re hitting the…

  • #1430 Everyday

    #1430 Everyday



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    There are some things we do day after day after day. This episode of All the Best is all about those things. We have stories about waking up, going to work, singing quietly on the commute. Stories about the every day things that can make someone happy – and how they change over time. And…

  • #1408 Did I Ever Tell You?

    #1408 Did I Ever Tell You?

    All grandparents have stories they tell over and over again. The time your mum was late to school. The time your uncle got his toe broken in a sliding door. The time you were really scared of an emu. But what about the stories they don’t tell us? The lifetime of stories they think we…

  • #1346 Summer Postcards




    ‘If you take 2 more steps, you’ll find what you’ve been looking for…. A little bit of magic.’   The Wormhole There is a point at North Steyne where the cracks in the rock get bigger and more rugged.  This is the point where many head back believing there is nothing more to find.  But,…

  • # 1342 Spooked?!

    # 1342 Spooked?!




      ‘Beware.  Something dark is lurking at the end of this hall….’  A Japanese Ghost Story It was meant to be a relaxing trip to an old Japanese resort, but something happened that changed Meiko for good.  Her daughter Satsuki explains why Meiko sleeps with the lights on. Producer:  Pip Rasmussen. Music Credits:  Ribs by…

  • #1328 Strangers on the Street

    #1328 Strangers on the Street




    ‘A stranger is just someone you haven’t met yet.’   Everyday we pass by people we don’t know. How does our behaviour change when we don’t know someone and we have no personal responsibility for their safety or wellbeing?  Pip Rasmussen explores the Bystander Effect and how it plays out with strangers on the street.…

  • #1327 Imagination….

    #1327 Imagination….

    “Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored.” -Patricia A McKillip- Imagination allows us to feel, see and experience beyond our actual reality.  It can be a source of joy and inspiration, terror and anguish and everything in between. What is happening in our brains when we…